miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010
11ª Concentracion Internacional (Club Ciudad Real)
11ª Concentracion Internacional (Club Ciudad Real)
Venacapaca II
Hola a todos, José Carlos "el Presi" del VW CLUB GRANADA nos envia toda la información necesaría para poder asistir a la Concentración de VW CLASICOS que tien preparada en la Bella localidad de "ALHAMA DE GRANADA", los día 29 y 30 de Mayo de 2010 por lo que os pedimos le deis la máxima difusión entre vuestros socios, aficionados y conocidos. Para cualquier consulta llamar al Tl: 670 67 90 81. (José Carlos)
Hello to you all, President of VW CLUB GRANADA has sent all required info to attend to this VW CLASSIC Meeting that will take place in lovely location of "ALHAMA DE GRANADA", May 29-30, 2010, so please let it know to all your members, keens and friends. For any query contact José Carlos at 670 67 90 81
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
Bugspain 2010 tickets are here, make sure you do not miss the Premier Volkswagen event in Spain, they are all good but this one is a bit special, this event will be held every 2 years and will alternate with the European Bug In.
There are some very special prizes up for grabs and to be able to enter the draw you need to get your tickets in advance.
Price for the whole weekend including Camping is 30€...
Don´t forget to get yours when you place an order with Volkstuning!!!